Project leaders : Andreas Riel, Ikram Ahidar, Laure Dousset, Jessica Dooryhée
Research focus :
- How can we make it easier to learn new technologies?
- Can we create a frontier object in the field of new technology training?
Organisations associated with the project :
Grenoble INP – génie industriel, UGA
Plush and nuggets
The project :
This project involves the co-creation of training material using serious games, a flexible tool that can be adapted to a wide range of people (students, jobseekers, disabled people, young high school students, etc.). This game not only allows people to discover, but also to deepen their knowledge, particularly in the context of the use of technologies in service and production organisations, with a particular focus on Industry 4.0. It also puts the emphasis on people, making them a central pillar of the organisations of the future.
Project objective : Co creation of a serious game on the use of new technologies in several areas of an organisation, aimed at various categories of people
Expected results :
-A complete physical and digital game with training guides
-A game that shows how 38 technologies can be used in different areas of an organisation
-A game accessible to everyone -A serious game adaptable to different categories of people
Publications associated with the project : In progress
Planification : September 2024 - December 2026