Grenoble INP Foundation

Let's dare the future

Inspiring a sustainable society through progress and science

Thanks to your donations

Thanks to our donors, the Foundation has financed since its creation in July 2010

Chairs of excellence created
0 M€
of reasearch projects
0 M€
scholarships and grants paid
associative projects
institutional projects

Our actions

Co-innovating for a sustainable world

Our scholarships

Promote equal opportunities, gender diversity, diversity of career paths and international openness.

Our chairs

To support the research (R&D) of Grenoble INP's partners through chairs of industrial, scientific or teaching excellence.

Our supported projects

Bringing together the academic, scientific and individual worlds to meet the challenges and societal issues of the 21st century.

Why support us

By making a donation to the Grenoble INP Foundation, you are helping Grenoble INP to meet the challenges and societal issues of the 21st century, such as the major transitions: ecological, energy, demographic, economic, democratic, industrial, and digital, to which we must provide sustainable solutions. Several possibilities are offered to you: cash donation, sponsorship in kind, sponsorship in skills. Each donation is precious.

Our latest news

Les Chaires

CELLENGE: Designing innovative eco-friendly packaging

La Chaire Cellulose Valley lance CELLENGE, un challenge étudiant ayant pour but de concevoir des emballages innovants à base de cellulose. Pour participer, remplissez le formulaire d’inscription et envoyer votre dossier de candidature avant le 15 juin 2024.

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