Combining innovation and sponsorship
Thanks to the patronage of Grenoble INP's partners, the Grenoble INP Foundation finances forward-looking research and pedagogical innovation programs through Chairs of Excellence to meet the immediate and longer-term challenges of society and the economic world through innovation.
Seven multidisciplinary innovation clusters, linked to the main areas of application of our research work, mobilize our strengths to meet the scientific, technological and societal challenges to which we must provide sustainable solutions:
- Energy and environment
- Geomaterials and civil engineering
- Materials, bio-based materials and processes
- Micro and nanotechnologies
- Digital and uses
- Production and logistics
- Management and organization
3 reasons to create a chair
Develop a multidisciplinary engineering
To create a place of reflection around the issue of innovation where all the actors, private or public, can meet and exchange.
Strengthen its expertise
Access the expertise of Grenoble INP's research laboratories and technology platforms
Establish its image
Relay my company's image, establish its notoriety and its employer brand on a national and international level
What is a chair ?
Our active chairs
Our completed chairs
Partners, researchers create your chair
News from our chairs
CELLENGE: Designing innovative eco-friendly packaging
La Chaire Cellulose Valley lance CELLENGE, un challenge étudiant ayant pour but de concevoir des emballages innovants à base de cellulose. Pour participer, remplissez le formulaire d’inscription et envoyer votre dossier de candidature avant le 15 juin 2024.
Implementation of the second training scenario linked to maintenance 4.0 for jobseekers
Pôle Formation Isère et la Chaire Insutry 4.h ont organisé le deuxième scénario de formation dédié à la maintenance 4.0, conçu pour les demandeurs d’emploi.
Implementation of the first assembly line 4.0 operators training scenario for jobseekers
Dans le cadre de la convention entre le Pôle formation Isère de l’UDIMEC et la chaire Industry 4.h, la première journée de formation dédiée aux demandeurs d’emploi s’est tenue le 8 avril au Pôle formation Isère à Moirans.
TwinHy boosts hydroelectric power generation through Digital Twinning
La Fondation Grenoble INP lance la nouvelle Chaire d’Excellence Industrielle TwinHy. Portée par le Mécénat d’EDF, en collaboration avec le GIPSA-lab, elle vise à développer