Our vision
To inspire a sustainable society through progess and science
For more than a century, Grenoble INP – UGA has been training engineers and doctors, preparing them to meet the major technological and societal challenges of our world. A major player in innovation, open to the economic world and with a strong international presence, Grenoble INP supports companies in their development.
On January 1, 2020, Polytech Grenoble and Grenoble IAE joined Grenoble INP - UGA to create an engineering and management institute within the new site university,Université Grenoble Alpes. Grenoble INP - UGA is thus asserting itself as the higher education institution that trains the executives for the companies of tomorrow.
The Grenoble INP Foundation was created in 2010 to support the unique model of education, research and development that Grenoble INP - UGA represents.
Our mission
To support the ambition and development strategy of Grenoble INP, an engineering and management institute
The mission of the Grenoble INP Foundation is to support the ambition and development strategy of Grenoble INP - UGA, its 8 schools, laboratories and researchers in terms of scientific excellence, international influence and shared success (citizenship and equal opportunities).
A forerunner in the Grenoble ecosystem for scientific and technological philanthropy, the Grenoble INP Foundation shares its experience and dynamism with industrial companies and individual donors alike, in order to build and develop ambitious, innovative projects.
Our 3 strategic pillars



International influence
Our team


Communication officer

Assistant Director

Marilyn BINDI
Director of Human Resources

Administrative and Financial Director

Our governance
The Grenoble INP Foundation, a partnership foundation as defined in article L719-13 of the French Education Code, has a rigorous and transparent management system. The Grenoble INP Foundation's strategy is supported by five bodies :

The board of directors
The foundation's executive committee
Appointed by the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee includes the President, the VicePresident, the Treasurer, the Director and the General Administrator of Grenoble INP. It executes the strategic orientations decided by the Board of Directors.
The program committee
It selects the actions, sizes them and ultimately proposes to the Board of Directors an annual program of actions with associated priorities; the allocation of the budget to the actions and the allocation of the budget to each action is normally integrated into this proposal. By delegation, the follow-up of the actions and the evaluation of their results are ensured by the committee.
La Commission ambassadeurs
Portée par des boursiers et d’anciens boursiers de la Fondation, son rôle est de faciliter l’intégration des nouveaux et nouvelles bénéficiaires, les accompagner dans leur parcours, les aider à développer leur réseau et les encourager à construire des projets étudiants et professionnels.