Our scholarships

Promote equal opportunities, gender diversity, diversity of career paths and international openness

The Foundation supports Grenoble INP in its efforts to enable all talented students, regardless of their background, to successfully undertake long-term scientific and technological studies
Notre programme de bourses existe depuis 2010, année de création de la Fondation. Il est financé grâce au mécénat de nos fondateurs, des Alumni Grenoble INP et de nos partenaires pour favoriser l’égalité des chances, la diversité et contribuer à l’excellence et au rayonnement de l’établissement. Ce programme est complété par des subventions destinées à porter des actions associatives porteuses de valeurs et d’engagement ainsi que par des prêts d’honneur attribués aux étudiants extra-communautaires méritants.
To support these students and associations, the Grenoble INP Foundation has developed the "MyFoundation" program to enable companies to make a concrete commitment to students and to enhance the economic attractiveness of their region while affirming their social responsibility.

“We always tend to value what comes from far away, without ever recognizing all the beauty that surrounds us.”
Paulo Coelho.
“Grenoble INP, on the contrary, recognizes this beauty and works to transcend it. The Grenoble INP Foundation is part of the institution's policy of promoting of our values and promoting talent so that this beauty can blossom and grow for the benefit of all.”
Vice President Enterprise and Valorisation of Grenoble INP.

Our support systems

Promote equal opportunity and support students affected by a sudden event that compromised their education.

Supporting double projects of excellence (Artists and high-level athletes, student-entrepreneurs)

Recruter les talents venant de l’étranger et favoriser l’ouverture internationale et les projets citoyens à forte valeur sociétale à l’international

To help non-EU students finance their studies & living expenses.
Encourage associative projects that promote values and commitment.

I wish to finance a grant or an associative project

Through the MyFoundation program, companies can make a concrete commitment to students, strengthen the economic attractiveness of their territory while affirming their social responsibility by financing scholarships or student association projects.

Studients, apply for a scholarship, a loan or a grant to support associations

The process is simple, you must contact your school who will guide you according to your situation.

Our partners