Project leaders : Andreas Riel, Ikram Ahidar, Olivier Suc
Project research areas :
- How can we make jobs in the industry of the future accessible to a wide range of job seekers?
- How can operators be trained to use new technologies and fit into new organisations?
- What skills do operators and technicians already need, and above all what skills will be required in the next stages of automation 4.0?
Organisations associated with the project :
Grenoble INP – Génie industriel, UGA
Pôle formation Isère de l’UDIMEC, membre Isérois de l’UIMM
The project:
As part of the Chair project, we have integrated vocational education and training (VET) organisations. We are offering days dedicated to training in Industry 5.0, adopting an innovative teaching approach based on scripting and the integration of serious games in real environments, such as teaching factories. The aim is to meet the needs of both initial vocational training and continuing education.
Project objective : Train trainers in the use of teaching tools, such as scriptwriting and active teaching approaches, such as serious games, as part of the Industry 5.0 theme. These skills will benefit jobseekers as well as continuing education, enabling upskilling and reskilling.
Expected results :
- Trainers trained and familiar with the use of active teaching methods and storyboarding.
- Trainers aware of the human-centred approach to Industry 4.0 training content
- Adapted learning materials, such as serious games, for employees and jobseekers
Publications associated with the project : In progress
Planification : February 2024 - June 2026