Clean'INP Challenge: A half-day of participatory sciences, fun and ecological!

On Thursday, October 17, the Grenoble INP Foundation et la and the are organizing a half-day of waste collection and identification. These operations will take place from 1:30 to 4:30 pm, in Grenoble and Valence. All students, alumni and staff of Grenoble INP – UGA are invited to participate in teams of five. 

Why take part in the Clean'INP Challenge?

Studies estimate that between 5 and 13 million tonnes of plastic waste enter the oceans every year. Most of this waste is transported by rivers such as the Isère and Rhône. By taking part in this challenge, you will have the opportunity to fight against this pollution, by collecting and characterizing the waste found on our campuses.

This collection is part of a participatory science protocol. By analyzing the types of waste found, you can contribute to the national database. Zéro Déchet Sauvagesupported by the Fondation Andurand. You'll discover the nature of the macro-waste scattered along the Isère and in the canals of the Valentinois, to understand its origins and, above all, to propose solutions on a local, regional and even national scale.

To reinforce the fun aspect of the day, Decathlon Outdoorsponsor of the event, is supporting the Clean'INP Challenge by offering rewards to the teams who make the best predictions about the nature and quantity of waste collected. Winners will receive hiking backpacks and Decathlon gift cards worth up to €100, in recognition of their commitment.

Operation sequence

  • 1:30 p.m. welcome, challenge launch and briefing 
  • 2:00 p.m. start of collection 
  • 3:30 p.m. start of characterization of collected waste 
  • 4 p.m. announcement of 1st results, snack and prize-giving!

Register now!

We're counting on your participation to make this operation a resounding success and keep it going! 

We're aiming for a minimum of 50 participants to ensure complete clearance of the areas! Be sure to register early to guarantee your participation. Teams of 5 can be formed on site, to encourage networking and collaboration! 

You can sign up to be part of a dedicated collection team 🧤and to characterization 🔬

Want to know more about waste identification and characterization? Click here 

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A travers le programme MyFondation, les entreprises peuvent s’engager concrètement auprès des étudiants, renforcer l’attractivité économique de leur territoire tout en affirmant leur responsabilité sociale.en finançant des bourses ou des projets associatif d’étudiants.

Les Chaires

Democratising infrared: the Deep Red Chair reaches the halfway stage of its work

La chaire Deep Red mène des actions à destination du grand public et porte de nombreux projets en collaboration avec les écoles de Grenoble INP-UGA et les laboratoires Gipsa-lab et INRIA. À mi-parcours de son programme, les avancées sont significatives grâce à une série de projets innovants, tous portés par des étudiants et des chercheurs engagés.

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