On June 4, Pôle Formation Isère and the Industry 4.h Chair organized the second training scenario dedicated to Maintenance 4.0, specially designed for jobseekers.

At the end of this training course, participants will acquire the essential knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills needed to effectively maintain a 4.0 production line using advanced Industry 4.0 technologies for diagnosis and intervention, as well as the basics of managing predictive maintenance interventions.
The training took place at Pôle Formation Isère in Moirans, in the presence of expert trainers. The training is structured around a captivating scenario, including diversified and playful activities in the form of challenges between teams, as well as role playing game.
The result of close collaboration between the Industry 4.h Chair and trainers from Pôle Formation Isère, this training course was co-designed through several workshops to define clear, relevant objectives for both trainers and trainees.
The human factor was at the heart of this training course. Trainees were made aware of the impact of Industry 4.0, and more specifically Maintenance 4.0, on people and their well-being. The associated risks and challenges were addressed, and practical tools were provided to maximize the benefits of this transition. The main objective is to develop a critical mindset that values the importance of the human factor in this new industrial era.