Industry 4.h takes part in the SEPEM Industries 2024 trade fair

On November 19, 2024, the Industry 4.h Chair was pleased to be present at the SEPEM Industries trade fair, alongside its partner, Pôle Formation Isère, a member of the' UIMM (Union of Metallurgy Industries and Trades).

The Chair's presence was part of the promotion of its collaboration and its Industry 4.0 training courses. These training courses are based on innovative approaches aimed at all audiences, including jobseekers and people in difficult situations, with no prior knowledge of Industry 4.0.

At the event, the Chair's team also presented its serious game' on new technologies applied to production and service plants. The game, developed in collaboration with subcontractor Plush & Nuggets, combines cards and a game board. Designed to be flexible and adaptable, it showcases 38 cutting-edge technologies, offering an immersive and educational experience through practical scenarios.

The exhibition was also an opportunity to identify ways of working together to make training accessible to different audiences: employees, jobseekers, students and trainees of all kinds.

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Soutenir la fondation

A travers le programme MyFondation, les entreprises peuvent s’engager concrètement auprès des étudiants, renforcer l’attractivité économique de leur territoire tout en affirmant leur responsabilité sociale.en finançant des bourses ou des projets associatif d’étudiants.

Les Chaires

Democratising infrared: the Deep Red Chair reaches the halfway stage of its work

La chaire Deep Red mène des actions à destination du grand public et porte de nombreux projets en collaboration avec les écoles de Grenoble INP-UGA et les laboratoires Gipsa-lab et INRIA. À mi-parcours de son programme, les avancées sont significatives grâce à une série de projets innovants, tous portés par des étudiants et des chercheurs engagés.

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