Digital Future of HR in Industry: Key Insights from Liège Event

On May 16th, the Belgian research team of' Industry 4.h 'represented by the LENTIC (HEC Liège - University of Liège), hosted a groundbreaking event titled "L'avenir numérique des RH dans l'industrie !" in the city of Liège.

This evening was dedicated to the digital future of human resources in the industry, bringing together innovators and professionals interested in the opportunities offered by Industry 4.0. Attendees discovered how companies can leverage new technologies to recruit, onboard, and optimize workforce management more efficiently. Organized as part of the "Extr4.0rdinaire" Industry of the Future project by INFOPOLE, in collaboration with EKLO, Rombio and Matching Square, and supported by Wallonia's Recovery Plan and Digital Walloniathe event promised a rich exchange of ideas and networking opportunities.

A highlight of the evening was the Belgian research team's presentation of the results of a survey they conducted on managerial perceptions of organizational culture within Walloon industrial SMEs. These results revealed two critical trends: the need to foster open innovation within SMEs through resource sharing among employees and companies, and the confusion managers might face when seeking information about available support initiatives. This indicates a necessity for a more responsive ecosystem to assist managers in navigating these resources, which is closely interlinked with the Chair Industry 4.h’s objectives. '.

The findings from this event underline the importance of collaboration and information accessibility in driving digital transformation within the industrial sector. By cultivating an environment of open innovation and providing clear, accessible support resources, SMEs can more effectively embrace Industry 4.0 technologies. The ongoing Belgian team's work not only aims to highlight these needs but also to set the stage for future initiatives to support the digital evolution of HR in the industry

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