CELLENGE: Designing innovative eco-friendly packaging

The Cellulose Valley Chair is launching CELLENGE, a student challenge with the aim of designing innovative cellulose-based packaging. To take part, fill in the registration form before June 1ᵉʳ, 2025 and send your application before June 15, 2025.

CELLENGE: Designing innovative eco-friendly packaging

The CELLENGE competition is open to all students enrolled in a French engineering school or university in the fields of chemistry, materials, processes, design and/or packaging. The aim is to work as a team to design a recyclable packaging, made from at least 80% cellulose, whose primary purpose is not to be reused. The aim is to propose an eco-responsible alternative to existing single-use primary packaging that no longer complies with current environmental legislation, or that is over-packaged (SUP directive).

The winning team will receive :

  • 1 000 €
  • A period of exchange with one or more of the Chair's industrial partners, and production of the prototype if feasible
  • Participation at a one day community meetings at the Cellulose Valley Chair

The application form

Working in teams of 2 to 10 people, participants must pool their skills to come up with an innovative solution that meets technical and practical needs, and has the mechanical and barrier properties required for the applications in question. To achieve this, a functional prototype must be produced. The competition is based on the candidates' autonomy and ability to bring a project to fruition. Cellulose Valley offers support in the form of two remote meetings for the duration of the project. 

The application must include the following documents: 

  • A digital poster
  • A video of approximately 5 minutes
  • A report of no more than 10 pages: introduction, motivations, materials, methods, tests (if any), life-cycle analysis (if possible). 


How to register : 

  • Have a team of 2 to 10 people
  • For each member: Have a student card from a French establishment
  • Be a student at an engineering school or university specializing in chemistry, materials, packaging, process engineering or design (members may come from different institutions).
  • Have obtained the BAC

To register for the challenge, download and fill in this document,then send it via the form below before June 1ᵉʳ, 2025. Student cards for all team members must be sent. Applications must be submitted before June 15, 2024. The contact e-mail address will be sent to you after registration.  

By registering, you accept the rules of the challenge..

2023 winning projects

1st place: Yolose

Yolose is a project presenting a new process for injecting cellulose materials to produce recyclable three-dimensional packaging as an alternative to plastic yoghurt pots. Natural cellulose fibers are mixed with a biobased polymer and a solvent in an extruder. The extruded paste is then injected into a mold, then thermopressed to dry the final object. A high level of recyclability is expected. The object meets a strong demand for the replacement of single-use packaging following new legislation.

Yolose - Cellenge 2023

“Receiving this recognition was both exciting and gratifying. The experience was enhanced by the opportunity to present the project at CITEO's sorting center, which was accompanied by a guided tour of the facility. It was an excellent opportunity to meet industry professionals. I would like to warmly thank LGP2 and the Cellulose Valley team for organizing this important challenge. Competitions such as CELLENGE are essential for stimulating innovation among students and encouraging the development of sustainable solutions.”

- Daniella SEMAAN, student at Grenoble INP - Pagora, UGA and Yolose project holder

Jury's favorite: Cellulotube

Cellulotube is a project whose aim is to replace single-use plastic toothpaste tubes. The team came up with a new refillable, recyclable tube made from cellulose. In the course of this project, an innovative product was invented, focusing not only on the materials used, but also on the design of the product for optimum use, and rethinking the shape of the toothpaste tube to reconcile ease of use, refillability and transportability adapted to consumer needs.

To find out more about the Cellulose Valley Chair, click here.

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