Second annual meeting of Industry 4.h Chair Partners: a crossroads for innovation and sharing

On March 11 and 12, 2024, the second annual hybrid meeting of Industry 4.h Chair partners took place at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Collaborators from Germany, Italy, Belgium and France came together for a two-day working session.

Benoît Giroud, the new director of the Grenoble INP Foundation, was on hand for all the presentations over the two days. La Caterpillar Foundation, represented by Yan Xiao from China, participated online and made a valuable contribution by enriching the discussions with pertinent observations.

The aim of the meeting was to strengthen the partnership and discuss the achievements of the first year in a number of areas, including science and societal impact. The Chair also had the opportunity to plan its future actions, in line with its objectives and program performance indicators.

One of the highlights of the meeting was a visit to the Made Competence Center, a large-scale facility featuring numerous cutting-edge technologies related to the industry of the future. This center is designed to implement orientation, training and finalization activities for technology transfer projects with companies, meeting the challenges of Industry 4.0. 

This meeting was also an opportunity to share moments of conviviality and exchange on various cultures. The Industry 4.h Chair warmly thanks Marta Pinzone and Danusuya Pachimuthu, its Italian partners, for their warm welcome and excellent organization. We would also like to express our gratitude to all the partners for their attendance, punctuality and respect for the meeting's agenda and objectives.

The event was characterized by a spirit of collaboration and exchange of ideas. Industry 4.h looks forward to nurturing these links and continuing on its path towards innovation and societal progress.

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Les Chaires

Democratising infrared: the Deep Red Chair reaches the halfway stage of its work

La chaire Deep Red mène des actions à destination du grand public et porte de nombreux projets en collaboration avec les écoles de Grenoble INP-UGA et les laboratoires Gipsa-lab et INRIA. À mi-parcours de son programme, les avancées sont significatives grâce à une série de projets innovants, tous portés par des étudiants et des chercheurs engagés.

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