Development of new high-performance cellulose-based materials for packaging

"Cellulose Valley" is a chair of excellence, supported by the Grenoble INP Foundation and hosted by the LGP2 laboratory and the Grenoble INP – Pagora, UGAa school, linking research and teaching. Its objective is to meet society's expectations by proposing new solutions for high-performance cellulose-based packaging that is more environmentally friendly. Cellulose, the main component of all vegetable matter, has the potential to offer products that are both recyclable and biodegradable.
However, its poor barrier properties (to gases and liquids), 3D shaping and scelability are the main issues that prevent cellulose from being a real candidate in the packaging industry today. This is the main perspective guiding the activity of the Cellulose Valley project.
The Chair is supported by a large number of industrialists who allow to cover the essential points of the value chain associated with cellulose products and propose solutions in line with the real challenges of the packaging sector. "Cellulose Valley" will thus make it possible to increase and consolidate the level of excellence of the partner companies and Grenoble INP - Pagora by organizing a structuring activity of reflection and research of international dimension around the theme of cellulose packaging.

Julien BRAS



Our missions
Create recyclable and biodegradable packaging
On the research side, the Chair will focus its activity on obtaining new materials based on cellulose, thus biosourced, and which will aim to be both recyclable and biodegradable. These new materials will provide the mechanical and barrier properties needed in the field of packaging. The aim is to identify innovative solutions to enable the increasing use of cellulose materials in primary and secondary packaging, but also to promote the evolution of uses, while maintaining food safety and controlling the end of life of these new packaging.
Cellulose Valley will thus contribute to the environmental transition by providing a solution to companies seeking more sustainable solutions in packaging.
Training responsible engineers
The Chair will also engage in a formation component by developing pedagogical and academic resources for engineering students with quick access to research results. Cellulose Valley will also promote exchanges and reflections on cellulose and its use between partner companies, engineering students, PhD students and Masters students.
Its program aims to develop actions around the valorization of cellulose, particularly in the field of packaging and its entire value chain (actions with student projects on the site, actions towards associations and external students, teaching actions).
Photo credit : Studio Equinoxe
The Chair's founding partners and sponsors

Research and training areas
Torely on and deepen the fields of excellence of the host laboratory around the cellulosic material, in particular cellulose microfibrils, cellulose gels, functionalized celluloses, paper and cardboard, molded cellulose, biocomposites...
To develop efficient industrial processes for the functionalization of surfaces and the shaping of cellulosic material. An approach of eco-design and "low-carbon" production will be expected.
Investigate other bio-based materials, compatible with cellulose and the objectives required by thepackaging and recyclability sector.
To imagine and propose new approaches to packaging, rethinking some consumption habits by proposing viable and attractive alternatives.
To train n competent and multidisciplinary researchers. A research team focusing in a fundamental way on the problems encountered.
To allow Master students to complete their studies with an internship revealing technical, societal and environmental issues. They will thus be able to approach the rest of their professional career in accordance with current issues.
To propose student projects within the host institution as well as the entire Grenoble INP - UGA structure around different themes through a multidisciplinary and dynamic vision.
To launch a competition with a national scope in order to promote cellulose and highlight the issues related to the packaging sector.