Our chairs

Supporting the research (R&D) of organizations through chairs of industrial excellence, scientific or teaching

Combining innovation and sponsorship

Thanks to the patronage of Grenoble INP's partners, the Grenoble INP Foundation finances forward-looking research and pedagogical innovation programs through Chairs of Excellence to meet the immediate and longer-term challenges of society and the economic world through innovation.

Seven multidisciplinary innovation clusters, linked to the main areas of application of our research work, mobilize our strengths to meet the scientific, technological and societal challenges to which we must provide sustainable solutions:

  • Energy and environment
  • Geomaterials and civil engineering
  • Materials, bio-based materials and processes
  • Micro and nanotechnologies
  • Digital and uses
  • Production and logistics
  • Management and organization
Supported by the Grenoble INP Foundation as part of its sponsorship program, our chairs are in line with the institutional policy of the Grenoble Polytechnic Institute.
“The Grenoble INP Institute of Engineering and Management of Grenoble Alpes University aims to meet new economic, environmental and societal challenges by combining the expertise of its schools and the cutting-edge research of its laboratories. The Grenoble INP Foundation's chairs of research and industrial excellence, supported by our partners in the socio-economic world, make it the keystone of the training-research-business triptych at the heart of our innovation ecosystem.”
Valérie Perrier
Vice President of the Scientific and Research Council, Grenoble INP Institute of Engineering and Management

3 reasons to create a chair

Develop a multidisciplinary engineering

To create a place of reflection around the issue of innovation where all the actors, private or public, can meet and exchange.

Strengthen its expertise

Access the expertise of Grenoble INP's research laboratories and technology platforms

Establish its image

Relay my company's image, establish its notoriety and its employer brand on a national and international level

What is a chair ?

Partners, researchers create your chair

News from our chairs

Les Chaires

Democratising infrared: the Deep Red Chair reaches the halfway stage of its work

La chaire Deep Red mène des actions à destination du grand public et porte de nombreux projets en collaboration avec les écoles de Grenoble INP-UGA et les laboratoires Gipsa-lab et INRIA. À mi-parcours de son programme, les avancées sont significatives grâce à une série de projets innovants, tous portés par des étudiants et des chercheurs engagés.

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The partners of our chairs