Hope Chair

Innovating to fight against fuel poverty

Mobilize economic, political & academic actors to innovate in the fight against fuel poverty

The HOPE Chair was created under the patronage of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Solidarity and with the support of Marjolaine Meynier-Millefert, MP for Isère

What is fuel poverty ?

Fuel poverty can be defined as the difficulty, or even the inability, to meet one's basic energy needs in order to live decently in one's home and move around at an acceptable cost. The definition used in France is given by the law n° 90-449 of May 31, 1990 aimed at implementing the right to housing - article 1-1

Fuel poverty : A multi-faceted reality with significant impacts on the economy, health and the environment

A report by the National Observatory of Energy Poverty reveals that 1 in 5 French people (more than 12 million individuals) are in energy poverty, which means that their energy expenses exceed 8% of their income, that they declare that they suffer from the cold during the winter period, which leads to public health problems and situations of exclusion, and that they have few means of transportation.
It is in this context that the Grenoble INP Foundation and partners from various backgrounds have come together to create the HOPE Chair of Excellence.

“I observe that the scientific teams are on the move, congratulations! I am now more and more convinced that the people approach must take precedence over the building approach. HOPE will help us to do this. The challenge is to put this people approach into a system. HOPE should allow us to speak the same language. Common words to talk about this subject. I am happy today to have seen a chair in motion”.


President of Plan Sustainable Building and of the HOPE Strategic Council
When more than one French person in five is affected by fuel poverty, what could be more natural than to mobilize new actors in the fight against this scourge? This is the ambition of this chair, which is launching research projects on subjects such as "health and fuel poverty" or "double poverty housing and mobility". It is also the satisfaction of being able to mobilize students and the academic world in order to explore the subject of fuel poverty and to propose solutions to contribute to the construction of a fairer, more sustainable and more united society.

Régis Largillier

Holder of the HOPE Chair

Our missions

Access to energy is vital for each human being to reach a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.
We develop a technical, sociological and organizational collaborative work between researchers, academics, economic, industrial, public and private actors around the stakes related to precariousness to better objectify the relationship between "sufficient access to energy", "health/well-being" and bring this knowledge to all the actors of our country who wish to commit themselves for each citizen in a sustainable way.

The Chair's founding partners and sponsors

Research and training areas


Our work focuses on the following themes: health in housing and fuel poverty, double energy vulnerability, mobility and housing, levers for mobilizing an ecosystem to fight fuel poverty


On this theme, we mobilize students from all over France and from all fields of study, as well as technology players, and support partner associations and local authorities.

Invite students and the academic world to explore the subject of fuel poverty so that they can contribute to the construction of a fairer, more sustainable and more united society

Research team

Laboratories, schools and associated structures

Our institutional supporters

The Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition | The deputies Marjolaine Meynier-Millefert and Jean-Charles Colas-ROY | Sustainable Building Plan | ADEME | ONPE National Observatory of Energy Poverty | RAPPEL network | Housing and Humanism | SOLIHA Isère Savoie | Ulisse Energy | The Builder's Companions | STOP Energy Exclusion

Our projects


To discover also

Contact us

We want to mobilize the economic world and focus our action on the inclusion of the most vulnerable in order to lay the foundations for a win-win-win model (individual - economy - planet) on a large scale.

  • Your work is related to HOPE's themes
  • You wish to enrich your project with a social component on fuel poverty
  • You wish to experiment with new solutions to fight fuel poverty
  • You are looking for concrete projects to entrust to students
  • You wish to participate in the collection of ideas on the theme of fuel poverty

By email

By phone : +33 4 76 57 49 50


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